Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Sooo....It has been forever since I've written on this blog. I would say this is the start to me continually updating it, but that is probably a lie given the fact that the last time I wrote was almost 2 years ago. Anyways I figure a quick update on the last two years is in order. Probably haven't mentioned this but Jori and Randy both got married in the last two years. Jori married Alex Neibaur and Randy married Jessica Anderson. Yes that means I was passed up by two younger siblings, oh well. haha.
In the last two years I graduated from BYU-Idaho with an Associates degree in applied engineering and then transferred to Utah State in Logan, Utah in order to finish out my bachelors degree in Civil Engineering. My first year in Logan has been great. I've made lots of new friends including the reconnection with my old mission buddy Tanner Mortenson. My first semester at Utah State included meeting new people and finishing up the few classes required to apply for the Professional Engineering Program. I stated in Logan during the summer which I have to say is the nicest time of the year, weather wise. I got a job working at Sports Academy which is a fitness club. I worked 40-50 hours a week as a lifeguard and a swim instructor. During the summer I also had to take one class which wasn't too bad. In the Fall semester I was accepted to the professional program. It was a tough semester but I hung in there and did pretty good.

Now up to current events. Currently I am in the dungeon in my parents house back in California for Christmas Break. I'm excited to be here because I really needed a break from school and all the snow. Grandma Roe is living here with mom and dad, which is really nice because we never got to see her all that much growing up. Jori and Alex came down from Rexburg for Christmas and Seth and Reagan will be here just before Christmas. Randy and Jessi are spending this Christmas with Jessi's family in Jerome, Idaho. Its been really nice to have most the family. We are up to our normal arguing and all, but I don't mind too much yet. Its just nice to have family around again.

So the big news that most people want to hear is.....I started dating a girl up at school just about 4 months ago. Her name is Melanie Burr, and she is from Las Vegas, Nevada. I met her through my buddy Tanner. She already graduated from college and is a 6th grade math teacher at Willow Valley Middle School. I can proudly say she is one amazing girl. Just the fact that she puts up with me shows that. haha. I love spending as much time with her as I can! Unfortunately due to our busy schedules that doesn't always happen. Not only is Melanie a school teacher but she serves as the ward Relief Society President. I currently have school, and work, but I also serve as the Ward Executive Secretary. So if you haven't guessed by now we are in the same ward up at school. Between, school, work, and callings, we stay SUPER busy! Just like an old married couple we have set a date night on Friday nights, just so we can have a night together to further our relationship. The following are a few picture of us together!

Now you cant tell me shes not beautiful!! As you can see we have a lot of fun together and try not to be too serious or grown up all the time. These pictures were actually taken up in Rexburg when we went to visit for Randy's birthday.

Over the thanksgiving break I traveled to Las Vegas with Melanie and spent a week with her and her family, we had a lot of fun just hanging out and visiting a few of the things to do in Las Vegas. Here family is pretty awesome and I don't think they disapproved of me! (at least I hope not). In 4 days Melanie comes here to California to spend a week with me and my family! Its going to be awesome! I'm really excited for her to come!!

Anyways, that's about all that I can think of to write at this moment. Life is good, and I'm enjoying everything, even though there is a lot on my plate I have a lot to be thankful for. So during this Christmas season I'd have to say I'm most thank for for Family, Girlfriends (Don't worry Melanie, it was meant in singular form!), and Friends. Merry Christmas!

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