Saturday, October 18, 2008

Long few weeks...

Well the first few weeks have gone by since I created this blog. I'm definitely working hard on being a better person as stated in the last post. the last few weeks quite a bit has happened I suppose. The first test of the semester have come and gone. I'm glad that they are finally over cause the first tests are always the hardest for me. I didn't do too bad on my tests, they weren't the greatest scores I've ever gotten, but for being the first tests they weren't too bad. School continues to be hard and tough and I seem to get just a little farther behind each day.

In other news, last Sunday I went down to Provo and picked up Jennie. We spent a few hours in Provo before we decided to drive back up to Rexburg. We had plans to do a few different things while she was here, but it turns out that lots of things close down during the week when it is winter. That is to say come October, nothing is open during the week in Rexburg. haha. The weather was freezing cold! It was the coldest it has been so far, however now the weather is back to being some what warm again. Well Jennie and I hung out, went on walks, watched movies, and spent some time with her old friends. We had lots of fun! :) At least I think so. I really enjoyed having some time to get to know her personally and just hang out together. Hopefully I get another chance to get to know her even more. There was a small hic-up in things while she was here, but nothing too major. Now she is gone, she left a few days ago, and I find myself feeling a little sad. It was nice to come home from school and have something to look forward too besides just homework. I think shes a pretty amazing girl.

Now that my tests are over and have been returned, my teachers are having us do test corrections to get addition points. Its nice that we have the chance to do it, but it just means its hours more of work that I have on my plate. I find myself feeling a little over whelmed sometimes but I guess thats ok. I'm here to go to school and I shouldn't expect it to be easy.

Thats pretty much all there is for now. I got called on Thursday by the first councilor in my ward and now I'm supposed to give a talk on Sunday. I don't mind speaking, however I still get really nervous about it. Sometimes I wish my face wouldn't go bright red haha. Well speaking of my talk I better get studying for it.

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