Sunday, October 5, 2008


Hey all,

I figure since everyone seems to have one of these, I might as well start one. It's time to start a new chapter in my life anyways. Ive decided its time to turn over a new leaf and start fresh. Last 6 months of my life have been extremely stressful with school, work, and girlfriends. I find it easy to fall down and feel really depressed and just want to sit in the hole and never come out. Well its time to come out. I recently was give some news about my character by a few people that hit really hard. I'm tired of not feeling up to par, I'm tired of not being all I can be. Its time to change that. I've realized after watching conference the last few days that I'm not up to par spiritually. It's time for that all to change also. I'm going back to reading my scriptures daily, not missing my prayers, making sure they are sincere prayers. I know the first step to finding happiness and joy in life is get get myself spiritually up to date. I think lack of my spirituality has cause problems cause I don't have the spirit with me as strong as I should. This of course is just the first step I'm going to take to "turn over a new leaf". Its time to be happy and social again, time to go out, enjoy life. I truly am a very fun and out going person, I just haven't shown it in a while. For all of you that I have offended, upset, angered, or belittled in any way shape or form I am truly sorry. I'm done being the guy people come to for advice, but no one really wants my advice. I'm tired of trying to please everyone except myself. I'm going to do both now. I'm not becoming selfish yet self aware. I'm excited and hoping this new change will bring some much needed peace back in myself. Sorry all of this makes no sense to anyone I'm sure, its just I have so many random thoughts and ideas going through my head all at once! haha. So wish me luck on my road back to happiness. I plan on trying to write on this blog a lot and just express whatever is on my mind. Hopefully I don't upset or offend anyone in the process, I promise to be careful about what I say. :)

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